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Vandebron manages hyperlocal campaigns of green energy solutions to the right service area

Vandebron, the biggest Dutch energy provider that solely sources energy made in The Netherlands, brings the supply and demand of local renewable energy together and offers innovative solutions that allow clients to use energy in a smarter way. They want to target their audience as close to the source as possible with hyperlocalised creatives and targeting.

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Vandebron, offering highly localised renewable energy, aims to target their audience as close to the source as possible. To achieve this, they needed to launch hyperlocal campaigns tailored to specific regions and audiences. However, this presented multiple challenges, such as ensuring that a citizen from Amsterdam would still receive relevant ads even when travelling to Rotterdam. Additionally, the ads needed to be personalised with real-time data, including location, weather, energy availability, and types of energy suppliers, for each customer. The central question Vandebron faced was how to effectively market the correct data to the right audience through these hyper-local campaigns.


Hyperlocal Campaign Activation


Energy & Utilities

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With Cape, Vandebron can create templates that work seamlessly with Google Studio, allowing them to fully control their ads. Once a template is set up, no further changes are needed. Cape handles the creation of one-off ad shells, and after that, Vandebron only has to manage the data in the feeds. The ads automatically pull the correct data from these feeds, adjusting their display ad based on factors like location, weather, and the availability of energy suppliers. When a customer views an ad, Google Studio selects the appropriate data for that customer’s location and displays the relevant variables accordingly.


With this setup, Vandebron can effortlessly create, scale and deliver their hyper-local campaigns across different channels. Google studio can work with hundreds of locations and create smarter ads where the location is only connected to the ad at the time of serving, followed by images and numbers. When it's windy in Utrecht, the background changes into a windmill, and when it's sunny, it changes into solar panels. When the renewable energy sources increase or decrease, this is updated automatically as well. The options are endless! With Cape, Vandebron can manage all variables themselves which enables more flexibility and freedom in their designs, and much more relevant ads.


Localised ad designs


Local energy suppliers


Real-time ads

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